gordon ryun

Seattle, WA

United States

Profile Information:

What is your favorite hydroplane?
1967 bud
Who is our favorite hydroplane driver?
mira slovac
Share your own web site.

Comment Wall:

  • sharma salinas

    Love u more and I'm glad ur living ur dream
  • chuck kinney

    hey there Gordon,

       Is there anything going on with the boat that you folks need help on? I have this week off. I'll head down to the museum Thursday to do something "productive" but can head north to grunt on The Bud.

       I hope all was good for Christmas and you got all you wanted...including time with family. Here's to a good new year too. 

       A friend of mine knows I love the old boats and gave me a Miss Thriftway hat he got at Chelan last summer.

    Be cool.....chuck

  • Dave Wrzesinski

    This was the first Staudacher Noter Dame driven by Col. Gardener. The boat had a sever fire and came back to the shop and became the two seater name SHU SHU.