Hydroplane and Raceboat Museum

We're racing through history!

Hi there.

I've built a few Radio Controlled 1/8 scale hydros over the last few years for racing. Plans are easy to get for some of them.

But I would like to build a model of one of the oldest boats on our R/C U Master Hull Roster.

The 'My Sin' which was the original hull for the TempoVI. 


So I am looking for drawings or plans for this hull, & since the Museum has done a restoration on this boat I was hoping someone might be able to help.

I only need some basic top & side, & front views & the bulkhead sections through the hull. I can draw up some plans from that. But anything else would be greatly appreciated.Just something that can be emailed will be fine. I can scale it up from that.

I'm also toying with the idea of building the extended version of the Tempo VI as run by Guy Lombardo. So any info on that would be great, but it doesn't look too difficult for me to draw up something for the extension from all the photos I've seen.

I appreciate any info on this project.

Here's a couple of boats I've built to give you an idea of the fun we have with these things.

The Miss America  U-36, & the U-95.



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