Hydroplane and Raceboat Museum

We're racing through history!

The 16mm film of the Miss Bardahl Camel Cigarette commercial has been rediscovered and restored to DVD by this Bardahl fan. Here is another photo from the Bardahl racing archive collection.

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Comment by Mark Bardahl Manchester on February 2, 2011 at 11:36pm

Tony,I'm glad you mentioned that because all of the Bardahl videos since the beginning have been sold EXCLUSIVELY by the museum and Bardahl has donated every single penny of it. You would have to ask David Williams for an accurate $ amount, but I know it is in the thousands of dollars of video and DVD sales over the years. Bardahl has not collected one dime from it but it has been a way for us to give back to the fans that have supported us all of these years and I hope that David W. has been mentioning that with each Bardahl video sold.. By the way, did you know you can buy Bardahl at almost all auto parts stores and Walmart?  A lot of people don't know Bardahl is still around because we dont advertise like we use to. Basically we've been existing by word of mouth advertising for over 40 years because of the strength of our name and quality of our products. The exciting news is that along with the old hydroplane footage, I've uncovered some award winning 16 MM film of the Bardahl animated TV commercials with all of the Bardahl characters like the Bardahl Detective, Dirty Sludge and Gummy Rings. They are vintage and great entertainment! We've already converted some of that to DVD and I will be including some of it into the Miss Bardahl DVD's that will coming available soon at the museum store . I'm glad you like the photos. 


Comment by Tony Pastor on February 2, 2011 at 8:48am
I have enjoyed these photos very much, thank you.  Mark, have you announced plans for selling the DVD via the museum shop?

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