Hydroplane and Raceboat Museum

We're racing through history!

I've had the good fortune to work now on several restorations. The process can be long and demanding, both in terms of costs and time. It took the Blue Blaster Team nearly 5 years to complete the restoration and some might wonder why it takes so long...

Well, one reason is because once the restoration of the hull, engine and related systems are complete, we still need some means of taking the finished Hydroplane to the water for testing and to use as a means of properly displaying the boat at the museum and at other venues where we're asked to bring it.

Museum member and supplier, Corky Petersen. can build us a new trailer if needed, but sometimes we can locate the original trailer, even if it doesn't come with the hull.

Such is the case with the original 'Blaster Trailer which we were able to find, thanks to Mike Jones of Jones Racing, A great find, though one that needed nearly as much restoration as the 'Blaster did.

Though the trailer was generally in good shape, structurally, it was still fitted with components from "Back in the Day". Things like split rims (no longer highway legal) Tires that were virtually rotting off the wheels, deteriorated hydraulic seals, and enough coats of paint - as a result of having been used by several unlimited teams over the years to almost make a stand alone exhibit. It was interesting as the team sanded through layers of paint and tried to identify, from the colors, which teams had used this trailer since the crash of the 'Blaster. Looks like about half a dozen, at least.

The point I'm trying to make here is that most restorations undertaken by the Museum volunteers are much more than a paint job and a rebuilt engine.

Restoring an old trailer is often as much work as restoring the boat. It's certainly not glamorous either. It is hard work.

Thanks largely to membership dues, some wonderful suppliers and a lot of volunteer labor, we brought the trailer back to life. Without the donations of members and volunteers, we pulled it off.

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