Hydroplane and Raceboat Museum

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I am looking for a picture of Fascination I (2), a Bob Gilliam-owned hull that began racing in 1951 as the Slo-Mo-Shun V.  According to historical race results, this boat qualified for the Gold Cup in Seattle in 1965 and later that year as the Berryessa Belle in subsequent races.  Any help locating a picture of the boat as Fascination I will be appreciated.  Thank you.  Dave Randall

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Comment by Robert Frank on April 18, 2015 at 6:02pm

I don't remember, for sure, just which web site I got this from.  But, it's the only photo I've ever seen of what your asking for.  After being warehoused for a few years, after it's Miss Seattle days were over, Bob Gilliam, in collaboration with Ken Murphy of Sacramento, CA, obtain the hull.  All they did with the old paint job was to paint over the Miss Seattle name on the sides.  But, if you look closely, you can see the Fascination I marking on the tail.  After failing to qualify her for that 1965 Gold Cup, with Bob Miller driving, Gilliam ended his association with the craft.  Murphy then had the Fascination name removed, and a completely new red & white color scheme was applied, retaining the name Barryessa Belle.  It entered 3 more events later that year with very little success.  The other "drawing" is from the set of decals that come with a Slo-Mo-Shun V model I have.

Hope this helps, RBF

Comment by Rodger Peterson on October 22, 2012 at 2:45pm

I have a picture of Fascination, U-88 and Fascination 1, U-771, in the 54th Gold Cup program. The pic of Fascination U-88 is in color but Fascination 1, U-771 is not.  In the program nothing is mentioned about Fascination 1 being the former SloMo V, however.  The Fascination hull is definitely of a later design.  Let me know if this helps you at all.  rodcon@harbornet.com

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