Hydroplane and Raceboat Museum
We're racing through history!
It is one of the quirks of the Hydro Business that there are long cold months…
News What a Wonderful few Days! 5 LikesUnlike what has been seen in Formula 1 car racing, Indianapolis car racing, NASCAR, or Limited class boat racing, Unlimited hydroplane racing has brought out many unique and very unusual designs.…
News What were they thinking? 2 LikesThe Hydroplane and Raceboat Museum will be holding it's Annual Membership Meeting and Holiday Party, Saturday, December 10th from 6 PM to 9 PM. Once a year we all gather to share a meal, honor our…
News Annual Membership Meeting & Holiday Party 1 Like ANother Great Doha Party!Over 80 hydro fans showed up at the Hydroplane Museum last night to watch H1…
News ANother Great Doha Party! 3 LikesAs I’m sure you know the Hydroplane and Raceboat Museum is a member supported not for profit corporation. We operate a real brick and mortar museum that houses a dozen or so of the fastest, most…
News Help! 1 LikeOne Lap in the Life of the Green Dragon…
News One Lap in the Life of the Green Dragon 1 Like