Hydroplane and Raceboat Museum
We're racing through history!
Hi I'm a huge Ron Musson fan and I'm looking for anyone that owns or knows info on anything owned or signed by Ron Musson that can be purchased. Autographs, racing suites...anything. He is my hero and its hard to find anything without going thru sources like this so i appreciat any help and I have serious money to offer...thanks!
Hi, I do have one item signed by Ron.bought it years ago on ebay. there was a guy who had a bunch of stuff from a estate of Leo Vandenburg. no coa with it, but the pieces of the Budweiser I bought are real so I think this is too.. not sure if I would sell it. let me know what it is worth to you. can tell you to go on jankaulins@jankaulins.com
he has taken a black and white photo of the flying Bardahl from the 1964 gold cup in Detroit and added color to it. comes in many sizes and looks great. check it out. miss the days of old. never got to meet him. but spend a lot of time with Wild Bill Cantrel when I was a kid. great man, and good times. plus all the Faygo pop you could drink :)
I'm from near Detroit so the Gale V was the number one, but the Bardahl was a great looking boat. let me know what you think.
Hi thanks Dudley if you can shot me a scan of it when you get a chance. My email is below. If nothing else I can tell you if its real but I'm sure it is if it came out of leos estate. Never worry about having a coa with anything you buy as they are only worth the paper they are written on. Whats important is how you aquired it and if you got your items that way then your ok. But if you can send me a scan of the Musson would love to see it and make you an offer.
Thanks bro