Hydroplane and Raceboat Museum

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The Gold Cup Room at the Whittier Hotel in Detroit, MI

Back in the 1950's, my Grandpa was a security guard at the Whittier Hotel.  According to his stories, all the hydroplane racers used to go to the GOLD CUP ROOM, which was located in the Whittier Hotel on Jefferson in Detroit, MI..  When it was closing, Mr. Calloway who used to manage the Whittier, gave my Grandpa the sign that used to hang over this famous establishment.  I'm sure there are some people out there that would love to see this sign, or possibly own it.  I would be very interested to hear stories regarding The Gold Cup Room, and how it became so popular.  Also if anyone wanted to see it or perhaps purchase this sign.

Thank you,

Peggy Kwiatkowski

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I think you should donate it to the Museum or APBA. but thats just me. The whittier was right across the street from the old pit area, so I would guess that a lot of the teams stayed there.

Thanks for providing me with a pleasant memory.  I can't remember when the the Gold Cup Room closed, but I had a very pleasant dinner there in 1969.  The walls were covered with enlarged black and white photos of hydro action on the river.  You may know that the Whittier continues to struggle as a residence for seniors despite a superb view of the river and Belle Isle.

Tomorrow, I will post pictures of this sign.  It is sad that the Whittier is not doing so well.  It was Majestic back in the day.

For what it's worth I agree with Mr. Roe's suggestion that it be donated to the Hydroplane Museum. I'm not sure what this piece of memorabilia is like and I can't really speak for the museum either, but it just seems like the sort of "relic" that would best find a home among the enthusiasts that would know the significance of the sign and would be the best place to honor your grandfather, who obviously loved the golden age of hydroplane racing. Of course, not having spent my formative years in Detroit, it might be worth more as an artifact of the hotel itself, but it certainly sounds likt it belongs in the Hydroplane museum.

Just out of curiosity, what sort of value are you placing on this treasure?

I remeber the Gold Cup Room well at a little boy. My father lived next door at the RIver House.
Jack Schafer, Jr.
Such Crust

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