Hydroplane and Raceboat Museum

We're racing through history!

Don Mock standing beside Bill Muncey's upside down 1977 "Blue Blaster" Atals Van Lines.

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Comment by Phil Lampman on May 15, 2011 at 4:20pm

Thank you for posting this photo of Don. As you know, I've been working as part of the - what Marc Connelly refers to as the - "A Team" on this project for well over a year. I've tried to chronicle this effort through my photos- snapshots really - and have a great many shots of Randy, John, Marc, Rich, Gail, Pete, Kent, "Uncle Bob" Burd. and - others. Even Tim Clark came out from Baltimore to assist us on the project several weeks ago. I have a lot of shots of Don Mock, our team leader, too. Most of them are blurred, owing to his usually frenetic pace keeping his team in-line and working on this iconic race boat.

So it's nice to see Don Mock in a rare state of simply standing still long enough for the photo. He's a terrific leader, a great teacher and an enthusiast nonpareil when it comes to this project. I'm pleased for the opportunity to work as part of his team and hope others will begin to understand how rewarding it is to bring a Thunderboat back to life. I hope it will encourage others to become involved in the project - or just drop by to help on any of the boats as our season approaches.

By the way, let me also thank you and Compton Lumber for helping to make this all possible.
Comment by Michael Opel on May 15, 2011 at 2:30pm
It's always so cool to come into shop and see yet another feature completed. These guys really are amazing at what they do. Come down and take a look.

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