Hydroplane and Raceboat Museum

We're racing through history!

Can anyone tell me what race site these pictures are from? I got a bunch of slides from 1966-'68 awhile back but have had trouble figuring out the race site. Thanks

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Comment by Robert Frank on September 18, 2022 at 6:07pm

Most definitely 1968.  That was the only year it sported this fancy paint job.  The prior year it ran as one of the Smirnoff boats (not the same Smirnoff shown in your other photo).  The year after it was painted yellow and called Miss Schweppes.  Am familiar with most all of the western courses, and I don't believe this is any of them.  Am thinking that it is one of the first 3 races that year:  Guntersville, Alabama (though there's a lot more vegetation around that lake) or it could be either Madison, Indeana or Madison, Wisconsin.  The Gale's Roostertail was at all three of those races that year.  Madison, Indiana, in those days, had it to where you could park your car that close to the shore, like you can see here.  So, I'm guessing that's where this shot was taken.  Now, I'm no expert on Madison, IND, but from some of the older photos I've seen of that course, that's where I think this is.  Hope I'm right, and don't have to eat crow!

Comment by Steve Cernich on August 31, 2022 at 12:26pm

These are from a 1968 race.

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