Hydroplane and Raceboat Museum

We're racing through history!

I simply wanted to thank the staff at the Hydroplane Museum for providing the venue for my "surprise" birthday party last Saturday. As many members or readers of this Website might realize, I am an active member and supporter of the museum. I spend a lot of hours and days at the place.

I never realized though what a terrific venue it was for celebrations and gatherings. It was amazing. With the dim lighting, the music and with 100+ people yelling "SURPRISE" when Mary and I walked into the reception area, it was really awesome. The sound system was great, the video presentation was as well. Everything was perfect. The displays of memorabilia and the vintage boats was a master stroke. Lots of things for visitors and guests to touch, be in awe and otherwise enjoy themselves besides the celebration at hand.. 

I need to get "Thank You" cards out to the guests who attended, but I wanted to use this venue to suggest to others who may be looking for a special place to hold a reception, party, or other event. This is perfect and unique. I can;t think of any event, from Weddings to funerals that would't find this venue to be so much better than the average stodgy and depressing church or funeral parlor.

I've been a member of the museum for 8+ years and have only just realized what a great place for an event.

Thanks, David, Jim, Parke, Denise and the rest of the staff for providing the great venue. 

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Geez Phil, I'm sorry I missed this. A belated Happy Birthday! What kinda cake? ;-)

-- Dale

I'm sorry you didn't get an invitation Dale. The whole thing was supposed to be a surprise and I had no control over the invitation list. The cake was great. With all the people there, it's the only thing I had a chance to eat. I think it was birthday cake, aged accordingly, like a fine single malt Scotch.

The one downside to having it at the museum was that most of the guests who hadn't had the opportunity to see it before were in awe and demanded tours and explanations of just about everything. Fine with me. I'm very proud of the place, but it did compromise my chance to see and talk with everyone.

Hydroplane Museum said:

Geez Phil, I'm sorry I missed this. A belated Happy Birthday! What kinda cake? ;-)

-- Dale

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