Hydroplane and Raceboat Museum

We're racing through history!

There has been a lot of traffic on the blogs this week about the Notre Dame and Harrah's Club crash in heat 1A of the 1967 Gold Cup. Here are a few photos from our archives that may clear up a few questions. (All photos are from the collection of the Hydroplan Museum  Many were taken by Rich Ormbreck)


1. The Notre Dame bouning the first of three times.




2. On the last bounce, the bow and right sponson start to come apart, and the boat veers to the right




3. The Notre Dame continues to come apart and pulls to the right toward the Miss Lapper. Regas has been thrown from the boat



4.  The Notre dame has come to rest. Behind her, the Harrah's Club approaches at over 160 mph



5. Harrah's Club hits the Notre  Dame and sails into the air.



6. Harrah's Club lands and rolls over




7. The spray settles



8. Harrah's Club being raised the next day.



9. Close up of the Harrah's Club's damaged bow. 

10. The wreckage of the Notre Dame back in the shop.



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Comment by michael ramsey on October 7, 2013 at 11:34am


Comment by Phil Lampman on July 2, 2011 at 5:39pm
Amazing photos. Can you imagine what might have ever happened to history captured like this if it wasn't for the Hydro Museum's archives and David's attention to gathering and preserving this?
Comment by Michael Opel on July 1, 2011 at 9:58pm
Spectacular photos............

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