Hydroplane and Raceboat Museum
We're racing through history!
The new U-71 ran the 1975 season as the Atlas. Then Muncey bought out the Pay 'n Pak. This boat came back as "Miss Lynwood Equipment" and "Miss North Tool" in 1977 and "Miss Ashington" (nod to Mt. St. Helens) in 1980. I'm sure as other, less memorable names in other years.
Hull number is #7571
U number is at the stern, on the deck part of the AVL graphic stripe, not nearly as easy to make out, like today's 3/5/7, etc
Here's a great shot of it from Don Gold Unlimiteds Detroit
Here is another photo I took at Dayton of Bill and the 75' Atlas U-71. The boat had a lot of trouble in those tight Dayton turns. The boat spun out several times on Bill in the turns. When I took this photo, He was breathing pretty hard from trying to man handle the boat.
Thanks for the extra photo. I wonder if this boat just had too much power being turbo charged....
I am collecting photos so I can build a 1/10th scale version to race at our club, Puget Sound Fast Electrics.