Hydroplane and Raceboat Museum

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Blue Blaster Update by Don Mock - Nov 15

Should be a interesting week coming up as we mount the sponson assemblies on both sides of the boat. The airtraps are all prepped so it should be a fairly easy job. We should be able to lift the frames with a strap wrapped around them hooked up to the gantry. So how about Weds for the right side and Thursday for the left. We’ll start mixing Hysol around 1pm both days.

I want to thank everyone for all the great work this past week getting the left airtrap mounted. And thanks to the “Router King” Gail for zipping thru the top of the left side so we could add the wood. Both airtraps look pretty damn straight considering the tweek in the hull so a huge hurdle out of the way. After we get the sponson assemblies on this week, we’ll also add the new sponson transom frames and the new #7 on the right side. Then following the short Thanksgiving week, we can go after the right-side rear non-trip. We still have to cut out a few new frames for it but that should all be fairly simple. Our other focus will be on creating new sponson sheers. They need to be fitted before we can flip the boat over.

So I hope to see all of you this week while we transform the Blaster to her full 13’ width. Should be fun.

-Don Mock

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Comment by Steve Muncey on November 16, 2010 at 3:41am
Man i wish i were there to help......

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