Hydroplane and Raceboat Museum

We're racing through history!

It is offical! The left airtrap is now on! Don, Phil and Gail attached the new left airtrap to Bill Mimcey's Blue Blaster at 2:00PM Nov 10th! Things are really taking shape now.

A work schedule update this week.....I’m not leaving town after all so we should be able to have a normal week.

Weds 10:30-5
Thurs 10:30 –8
And maybe a short Friday and Sat

Everything is ready to glue on the left airtrap. It’s been test fitted several times and should be an easy job. If we get it on Weds, Thursday, we can have Gail rout the top for the wood (which came out great on the right side) and we can add all the doubler plates for the seam and the skidfin brace. But I know we would all like to also get one of the sponson assemblies on and we should be able to mount the right side Thursday night or Sat. By the end of Nov we’ll have a full size boat.

We do need to once again consider if we need to move the boat to make more room for us and all the museum activities. We test fitted the sponson transom frames the other day and it reminded me how big the boat will be with the sponsons on. Our options are to angle the boat a bit by sliding the bow left a few feet or more. We could also just move or remove the big table next to the wall where we have been storing all our parts and sponsons. We could put smaller tables there and open that whole area up. Of course we can also just wait till we flip the boat over in a few months, then place it where it makes the most sense. When that time comes, we’ll be finished with the jig and the boat should be easier to move around.

But first a lot to do. Besides all the sponson frames glued place, the right side non-trip needs to be attached as well as the sponson sheers. Then we’ll mount some feet around the lift hooks for the boat to stand on when up-side-down.

-Don Mock

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